Govadas, diktagovvagirji.
Divttat davvisámegillii, sullii 390 čáhppes-vilges historjjálaš gova Sámis. Divttat ovttas govaiguin lea mátki sámiid historjjás ja eallimis. Boares govaid Áillohaš čohkkii govvavuorkkáin miehtá máilmmi.
Áillohaš oaččui Davviriikkaid Girjjálašvuođa bálkkášumi 1991 dán girjji ovddas.
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Dikt på nordsamisk, ca 390 gamle historiske sort-hvite bilder fra hele Sameland.
For denne boken ble Nils-Aslak Valkeapää tildelt NORDISK RÅDS LITTERATURPRIS 1991.
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A lyrical picture, poetry together with about 390 historical black/white pictures of Samis and Samiland. The lyrics are in Sami language.
The book is a travel starting with the birth of the earth and creatures, and then tracks into Sami history, life and myth.
The book was awarded with the Nordic Council’s Literature Prize 1991.